Saturday, September 14, 2013

Feeling Better!


Hello! I know it's been a while! I've been really busy starting a page on Facebook making crocheted bracelets and mailing stickers to ill children. It's such a great feeling when I see the pictures of the kids when they get their mail. I call it SMILE mail!

So much has happened since my last post- mostly good!

The first thing is that my pain doctor has switched my pain med to Lyrica and I'm doing well on it. My pain is at a tolerable level and I'm totally off of the bad pain med. Lyrica is used to treat fibromyalgia. My pain doctor also suggested for my horrible colon pain to get a celiac plexus block. That is a shot in the back to block the nerves and pain in my colon.

The procedure was not a fun one. I had to be sedated for it and woke up very sleepy and was like that the remainder of that day. Then for about a week after I had a horrible side effect of back pain! But, I didn't have colon pain! Finally the back pain went away and I enjoyed about a week of not much pain.

I saw the colon surgeon and told him that I added fiber gummies, magnesium, B6, and a probiotic to my regimen and I felt better. So, he felt comfortable in releasing me from his care!

But, just a few days later I think I had a flare and got all backed up again and had to take two days of  laxatives. Thankfully, they finally kicked in and I felt better. My GI is keeping everything as is. My reflux is doing fine on the dexilant in the morning and Famotadine at night and amitiza twice a day. And he gave me more free samples.

Remember whenever you go to a doctor, ask for free samples of whatever medicine you're on. You can save so much money. Also, get online and pull up that medicine website and see if they have a saver discount program. I just paid $5 for my last prescription of Dexilant, as opposed to $60!

Now, onto my migraines. I saw my neurologist and he is going to schedule me for my second round of Botox in about two months. They are still not under control and just recently I fought a bad one for almost a week. Thankfully, it finally left without me needing an ER visit. I'm still on Topamax and butalbital and I had him call in my last resort sumatriptan nasal spray. 

So, that's about it. I'm feeling better, more stable. My older daughter will start taking dance during the week so I need to prepare myself to have energy later on. I also want to start going to my church on Wednesdays because they have dinner and bible studies for kids and adults. I just have to find a way to siphon the kids' energy lol! My little one is doing great in preschool and loving dance also. 

Please visit my new page on Facebook. I'm giving back and making ill children happy. It's been very rewarding!

Please feel free to leave a note, or a question! I will respond to it next post.